How it works…

Our products are listed on back order, as we only place stock orders once we have enough orders or every 3-4 weeks, whichever comes first.
By not holding stock of items, we avoid the need for a large warehouse, keeping our costs low.

Due to this efficient system, we are able to pass on the savings to you.

Simply plan ahead and order in advance to save money on your purchases.

About Us

Perormo Packaging is a well-regarded business based in South Wales, Our deep understanding of independent businesses sets us apart from the competition.

Perormo Packaging is one of the fastest growing food packaging distributors in the UK.

Perormo Packaging stands out as a prominent player in the dynamic landscape of food packaging distribution in the UK. The company’s notable growth trajectory underscores its effectiveness in meeting the evolving needs of the food industry.

Packaging Solutions That Make Your Food Shine

Our food packaging supplies are designed with industry-leading technology and created using sustainable materials. We specialise in creating custom packaging that compliments your brand. Trust us to keep your food products fresh and safe for your customers to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Biodegradable?

A biodegradable product is one that is capable of being decomposed through the metabolism of
microorganisms. What this essentially means for a biodegradable plastic; is that it’s eaten!
This process leaves no trace of the product’s original existence – the carbon atoms within the plastic are
broken apart; as organic molecules are created. These molecules can be processed by, and create, organic
living things; generating a natural and sustainable lifecycle

What is Compostable?

Compostable products are a subset of biodegradable products, which means as well as biodegrading, they
also meet certain criteria under certain conditions. Our compostable products fall into 2 categories, those
that are suitable for home composting and those that are commercially compostable.
Because of the comparatively smaller volumes of waste involved, the temperature in a garden compost
heap is lower and tends to be less constant than in an industrial composting environment. This means
that certified home compostable packaging like our Bagasse Range, can simply be placed in your home
compost. Products like these will have been rigorously tested in order to meet several standards Australia:
AS 5810 (2010), France: NF T 51800 (2015) and Europe: prEN 17427 (2020) and carry seeding logo 7P2423
and ‘OK compost HOME’ conformity mark, meaning that any component or material used in the packaging
including the printing ink, and the adhesives will break down into carbon dioxide (CO2), water, inorganic
compounds and biomass with no visible contaminants or toxic residue/substances suitable to decompose
within a garden compost environment.
Commercially compostable products which will have been rigorously tested in order to meet the conditions
as set out in EN-13432 and carry the ‘OK compost INDUSTRIAL’ conformity mark, will biodegrade by
90% within 6 months. At 12 weeks 90% of the product should pass through 2mm x 2mm mesh. This stage
of testing evidences the disintegration of the packaging product. Finally, the toxicity and quality of the
finished compost must not be adversely affected by the ‘compostable’ subject to safely ensure the future
growth of organic life.
In order for our commercially compostable products to fulfil the lifecycle we intend for them – an
infrastructure, as illustrated on the next page, is vital. Consumers using compostable packaging must
be diligent in using a designated commercial food waste stream, while avoiding the disposal of noncompostable materials that will be rejected as contaminates.

What is PLA?

Polylactic acid, also known as PLA, is a thermoplastic monomer derived from renewable, organic sources
such as corn starch or sugar cane

What is CPLA?

Our CPLA cutlery is derived from PLA, it is 100% biodegradable and compostable according to the EN13432 standard. At the end of life, these products can be recycled, but can also be composted in industrial
composting facilities.

What is Bagasse

Bagasse is the dry pulpy fibrous residue that remains after sugarcane or sorghum stalks are crushed
to extract their juice. We turn that sugarcane ‘would-be-waste’ residue, into pressed bowls, plates and
Our Bagasse products are certified home compostable, have great functionality and look fantastic. The
perfect alternative to difficult-to-recycle materials; eliminating the need to sort food-contaminated waste
where designated food waste collections are provided.